From Malcolm White:
1000 to 1600 on Thursday 10 May 2018
The RAF Museum will host a “Royal Air Force Day” on Thursday 10 May 2018. Held in the Museum’s main and new Exhibition Hall at Hendon, and before the whole site is formally opened to the public in June; it promises to be a splendid day and an opportunity to reflect on the past and catch up with chums, friends and families: a “re-union” not to be missed.
This Day will be part of the RAF 100 Programme of Events for 2018; events which aim to Commemorate, Celebrate and Inspire future generations – and build on Lord Trenchard’s founding principles of training and education excellence, both of which are so relevant today. In support, The Museum would be delighted to welcome those who serve today; those who have retired, and importantly to extend a very warm welcome to family and friends.
Age has no barrier in this, as Primary School Children to Veterans in their 90’s (and a few in between) will be there. So on behalf of all involved may I say that it would be a delight to welcome you to Hendon. I know it’s a working day, but please try and join us if you can – if only for a couple of hours
If you are interested or know of someone who might be, then please register your interest with Anji Patel & Odette Harris at Anji will ensure that you receive full details in early March.
Thank you
Malcolm White Trustee
Royal Air Force Museum Grahame Park Way London NW9 5LL
SatNav NW9 5QW
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