Gp Capt John ‘Jock’ Heron OBE’s autobiographical memoirs “From Schoolboy to Station Commander” has just been published by the Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust. It is on sale for £15 to members or £20 for non-members.
Jock served on IV at Wildenrath in the early 70s when the Sqn was flying the Harrier GR1/T2. He’s a regular at our reunions – maybe I can persuade him to sign some copies at the Centenary!
Address to purchase is: The Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust, PO Box 31, Derby, DE24 8BJ. Tel 01332 240340, email
Also available on Amazon.
A good read- recommended. One frustrating point though, is where the author often refers to people he interacts with throughout his career in an oblique manner i.e. not proving names, which leaves the reader trying to second guess who they might be! Pete
Sorry – that should say ‘providing’ not proving – oops! Pete