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Harrier GR3 XV752

An email from Rob Harrison:

2366 (Bletchley Park) Squadron of the ATC has Harrier GR3 XV752 as our Squadron gate guard. We are currently in the process of building a permanent display are for the aircraft. Once complete we would like to put some information display boards in front of the aircraft giving some information about the Harrier and about XV752. We have copies of the record cards for the aircraft. According to these XV752 served with 3 Squadron from 21.11.89 until December 1990. My reason for writing to you is to ask whether the IV (AC) Sqn association hold any information about XV752 and what she was involved in during her service with IV (AC) Sqn?
Harrier GR3 XZ966 in Belize, 1981

Harrier GR3 XZ966 in Belize, 1981

My logbook tells me I only flew XV752 seven times, in Belize in 1981. If it had been on IV(AC) Sqn’s strength I would have flown her many more times. (The aircraft pictured above is, I believe, XZ966, which was in Belize at the same time.)

Anybody else have XV752 in their logbook or information on her history?

[Update 1] Rob has now sent me this picture of VX752 in IV(AC) Sqn colours!

XV752 in IV(AC) Sqn colours

XV752 in IV(AC) Sqn colours

[Update 2] From Pete Mears:

Some scant details I have on ‘752 that may be of use: First flown 30/5/69 – Duncan Simpson. Delivered to RAF/HCU Wittering 27/8/69. Noted 1 Sqn/03, Apr 76, 1 Sqn 04 Feb 82, 1 Sqn/02 Feb 85. 3 Sqn/G Jun 87. 4 Sqn/S May 90.

[Update 3] From Don Fennessey:

BTW, I flew XV 752 in the OCU. First time was my first solo on 7 Sep 77. Once more near the end of the OCU on 27 Feb 78. Thanks for the memories.

2 comments to Harrier GR3 XV752

  • tomhammond

    It was a 1(f)Sqn ac, I flew it several times Sep 1977 to Mar 1978, it then seems to have left the Sqn inventory I flew it in Belize also 3 time March/April 1981. I think it belonged to 3sqn at this time.

    Some pictures

  • marcfrith

    Marc “Rambo” Frith, USAF, checking in… I pulled out my extensive RAF logbook and I have one entry flying XV752. It was on Nov 11, 1986. It was a sortie to Nordhorn Range. I logged only one landing and the sortie duration was :45. It was my second sortie that day. That is the only time I flew XV752. Maybe it was a 3(F) Sqn “loaner” or something???

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