From David Herriot of the Buccaneer Aircrew Association:
You may have heard through the grapevine that all the Cold War jets are being evicted from Bruntingthorpe because the owner has leased the whole airfield for car storage. This meant that, until a new venue had been found, TBAG’s 2 fast taxy jets could have been destined for the scrap heap. The GOOD NEWS, however, is that just this week a new home has been announced for XW544 and XX894 at Kemble, where the jets can be relocated to and will have permission to continue with their maintenance, preservation and crowd pleasing activities. It will sustain the memory of our favourite aircraft for years to come.
The move to Kemble will cost something in the order of £25K and TBAG have created an on-line Crowdfunding appeal to assist them in achieving the sum required. They are a non-profit voluntary organisation that we have supported with ‘bodies’ at their Thunder Days.
If you are willing to support TBAG in their relocation to Kemble, please see the link below.
I will approach the BAA Committee to see if there is anything that the BAA Fund can do to support this worthy cause.
Over to you – DH
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