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Mo Tiwana R.I.P

From Mo’s wife Minna:

We are bidding farewell to Mo on Friday 11th July 2014.

The Ceremony will commence at 12:45 in Gurudwara Sahib Garib Nawaj, Springfield Rd., Hayes, UB4 0LT.

From there , the procession moves onto Breakspear Crematorium, Ruislip, HA4 7SJ, via RAF Northolt , arriving promptly at 14:30. Here Friends and Colleagues may offer their last respects to Mo, lying in state in the Chapel.

The Ceremonies will culminate in a final prayer and a meal back at the Gurudwara. You may attend all of the above or then choose to come directly to the spacious Crematorium, for 14:30 .

Please do join us in supporting Mo one last time.

No flowers please. Donations are welcome towards a supported charity . RSVP.


From the fourfax records: Mo served on Britannias at RAF Brize Norton until their disbandment in December 1975; January 1976 to June 1976 on Lightnings at RAF Wattisham; July 1976 to July 1979 on Jaguars at RAF Coltishall, initially in ASF, then on 54 Sqn upon promotion to Sergeant. De-mobbed in July 1979 and in August of 1979 joined British Airways at Heathrow Airport. June 1989 left British Airways and joined Emirates Airlines in July 1989.

Responsible for rescue of Sardo-voyager (PSI bus at Decimommanu) which broke down with a seized engine near an oil refinery due to lack of oil, during a day trip to the Grottos during the 1971 Sqn detachment. Personal assurance by Sqn.Ldr. Pat King that the Sardo-Voyager was fully serviceable during a briefing for a subsequent detachment!

1 comment to Mo Tiwana R.I.P

  • petemears

    Despite years of constant pain Mo bore his illness with dignity and fortitude. Now, a great character and good mate has left us – perhaps the poem below will help lift our spirits in a fianal salute to Mo Tiwana: Do not stand at my grave and weep I am not there; I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow, I am the diamond glints on snow, I am the sun on ripened grain, I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the morning’s hush I am the swift uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there; I did not die. (Mary Frye 1932)

    Peter Mears

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