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New Harrier Book

Tim McLelland writes:

I am currently in the process of writing a major new book for Ian Allan Publications (an international aerospace publisher) which explores the development and operational use of the Harrier. As part of the book’s coverage I would obviously like to include some information on No.4 Squadron’s association with the aircraft. Could you please advise me if it would be possible to be put into contact with any former Harrier air crews so that I could forward a set of questions for them to answer on Harrier flying? This would enable me to write-up a suitable account for the book. Answers could be in the form of written or tape-recorded responses, whatever is most convenient for them. Likewise, I would be more than happy to supply a copy of the proposed text when completed, for approval. Also, if any former 4 Squadron people have any photographs which I could use in the book, that would be a great help.

If you flew the Harrier on IV(AC) Sqn then Tim may be in touch. If you’d like to contact him directly with your yarns then you can find him at “tpmclelland” at “”

1 comment to New Harrier Book

  • marctecklenborg

    For photographs you should contact Erich Westersötebier he lives in Gütersloh, the street is called Nottebrocksweg. With these Information you can find his number in the phonebook. He has a great collection of Gütersloh Harriers

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