2003 Op Telic
A sequence of stills from a video showing a British Royal Air Force Harrier GR7 destroying ship in Basra early March 23, 2003. Sequence shows from (top L) the pilot sights the target on the river, he launches a maverick missile, which streaks to its target and then finally (bottom R) the pilot pulls up away from the blast showing the burning oil fields in the back ground. POOL (EDITORS PLEASE NOTE THAT SOME CLASSIFIED INFORMATION HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM THE PICTURE) REUTERS/HO
A U.S. single seat F18 takes off from its base in Kuwait as smoke from the burning oil fields start to obscure the sun March 21 2003. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
U.S. troops wait in the toilets and shower rooms wearing full nuclear biological and chemical protection suits in during an air raid warning in Kuwait March 21 2003. Men showering scrambled to get into their protection as the sireens sounded. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
A U.S. Marine AV-8B Harrier powers into the skies from its base in Kuwait March 21 2003. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
Captain Johnny "Red" Walker A U.S. pilot on exchange with the British Royal Air Force inspects a Paveway II laser guided bomb on his Harrier GR7 on his base in Kuwait prior to his mission over Iraq March 21 2003. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
A British Royal Air Force ground crew member goes through checks on an armed Harrier GR7 on their base in Kuwait prior to its mission over Iraq March 30, 2003. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
An armoury technician loads Maverick bombs onto a British Royal Air Force Harrier GR7 on their base in Kuwait March 24, 2003. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
British Royal Air Force Joint Force Harrier crew wait in a bomb shelter in full nuclear, biological and chemical protection suits during an air raid warning on their base in Kuwait March 24, 2003. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
A wave from British Royal Air Force ground crewman Warrent Officer Walter Murton as a British Joint Harrier Force Harrier GR7 taxis out to the run way on its base in Kuwait prior to their mission over Iraq March 27, 2003. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
A U.S airfield security soldier in Kuwait looks across at the skies to the north which are darkened with smoke from the burning oil fields in Iraq March 23, 2003. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
A member of the British Royal Air Force Harrier GR7 ground crew pulls the chocs away from the wheels of a Harrier GR7 past a pavewat laser guided missile on their airbase in Kuwait prior to the start of their mission over Iraq March 28, 2003. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
British Royal Air Force leading aircraftswoman Bobbie Winterbaker, one of the youngest British forces member at 18-years-old smiles as she poses for a picture on her base in Kuwait March 29, 2003. Bobbie, was issued with her orders to the Gulf two days after she turned 18, the youngest age the RAF allow personnel to a war zone. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
British Royal Air Force Harrier GR7 waits to taxi to the runway as a U.S. Hercules 130 transport aircraft lands on their airbase in Kuwait March 28, 2003. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
In almost zero visibility, caused by a sand strom, a U.S F18 aircraft struggles to land on their base in Kuwait after its mission over Iraq March 27, 2003. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
Two U.S. A10 Thunderbolt II take off from their base in Kuwait March 29, 2003. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
A U.S. Stealth 117 fighter lands at night at its base in Kuwait after its mission over Iraq March 22, 2003. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
A Kuwaiti official ( I think it was the foreign minister, maybe it can be checked, no-one here know for sure ) surrounded by soldiers walks down the steps of a hard bunker from its roof as he visits the U.S. and British Royal Air Force base in Kuwait March 28, 2003. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
A British Royal Air Force GR7 Harrier is waved on by ground crew as it taxis to the runway on their base in Kuwait prior to their mission over Iraq March 22, 2003. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
British Royal Air Force Harrier G7 pilots (L to R) Ian Townsend, 30, Flt Lt Dominic Hurley, 29, Flt Lt Paul Francis 28, and Flt Lt Mike Rutland, 27 relax in their accomodation on their base in Kuwait March 16, 2003. The pilots are having a rest day from patrolling the no fly zone in southern Iraq. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
A possible target on the Alfaw delta is filmed by RAF GR7 Harrier pilot Wing Commander Chris Norton as he flies over southern Iraq early in the morning March 18, 2003. Aircraft from the U.S. and Britain are continuing to enforce the no fly zone over southern Iraq. POOL REUTERS/HO
Men from the British Royal Air Force Joint Harrier detachment stand with a banner sending a happy Mother's Day message from their airbase in Kuwait March 29, 2003. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
British Royal Air Force Tornados and Harrier GR7s fly in formaton with a Tristar tanker in this file photo dated July 2002. British GR7 Harriers have today, March 27, 2003, started for the first time during the conflct to refuel in the air (tanking) over Iraq enabling them to spend longer over their targets and travel further to targets. POOL REUTERS/Royal Air Force/Crown Copyright
NOT FOR TRANSMISSION - FOR RAF ONLY - A Royal Air Force GR7 is filmed by fellow RAF GR7 Harrier pilot Wing Commander Chris Norton as it flies over the oil fields in southern Iraq early in the morning March 18, 2003. Aircraft from the U.S. and Britain are continuing to enforce the no fly zone over southern Iraq. POOL REUTERS/HO
A U.S. Marine Harrier AV-8B takes off over the oil fields and the setting sun from its base in Kuwait March 15, 2003. Both U.S. and British Royal Air Force Harriers are continuing to patrol the no fly zone in southern Iraq. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
A Royal Air Force GR7 is filmed by fellow RAF GR7 Harrier pilot Wing Commander Chris Norton as it flies over the oil fields in southern Iraq early in the morning March 18, 2003. Aircraft from the U.S. and Britain are continuing to enforce the no fly zone over southern Iraq. POOL REUTERS/HO
British Royal Air Force pilot Flt Lt Tony Hanlon smiles as he leans on the wing of his Harrier GR7 which is armed with a Paveway and a 500lb freefall bomb on its base in Kuwait prior to his mission over Iraq March 27, 2003. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
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British Harrier G7s taxi in their base in Kuwait prior to their mission over southern Iraq March 18, 2003. Aircraft from the U.S. and Britain are continuing to enforce the no fly zone over southern Iraq. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
British Royal Air Force Harrier GR7 ground crew shift A cheer as they hold copies of model Michelle Marsh, who has been adopted as the squadron sweetheart while stationed on their base in Kuwait March 26, 2003. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
PLS HOLD ONTO THESE VIDEO PIX UNTIL 17.00 LONDON TIME - A British Royal Air Force VC10 tanker waits for aircraft to refuel from it during its mission over Iraq Iraq March 29, 2003. POOL REUTERS/HO
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