Royal Air Force Flt Lt Daniel Miller, Junior Engineering Officer (front) in charge of B Shift ground crew from the GR7 Harrier Force South Element leads a cheer at their base in Kuwait March 21 2003. Harrier GR7 pilot Flt Lt Mike Rutland successfully destroyed an Iraqi surface to surface missile during his mission over Iraq today during their shift. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
Royal Air Force Flt Lt Daniel Miller, Junior Engineering Officer (front) in charge of B Shift ground crew from the GR7 Harrier Force South Element leads a cheer at their base in Kuwait March 21 2003. Harrier GR7 pilot Flt Lt Mike Rutland successfully destroyed an Iraqi surface to surface missile during his mission over Iraq today during their shift. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
I HAVE DONE NOTHING TO THIS PIC EXCEPT CROP IT - Th sun is partly obscured by smoke from oil fires in the Ramallah (check spelling pls) oil fields March 21 2003. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
A U.S. weapons technician rides in a vehicle as it tows bombs to the flight line in their base in Kuwait March 21 2003. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
U.S. troops wait in the toilets and shower rooms wearing full nuclear biological and chemical protection suits in during an air raid warning in Kuwait March 21 2003. Men showering scrambled to get into their protection as the sireens sounded. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
A British Royal Air Force Harrier GR7 powers into the skies from its base in Kuwait March 21 2003. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
A U.S. Marine AV-8B Harrier powers into the skies from its base in Kuwait March 21 2003. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
Two U.S. Marine AV-8B Harriers taxi to the runway on their base in Kuwait March 21 2003. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
Seen through anight vision scope a British Royal Air Force pilot sits in his Harrier GR7 behind bombs as ground crew go through final checks in their base in Kuwait prior to his mission over Iraq March 20, 2003. British and U.S. aircraft are continuing to enforce the no fly zone over southern Iraq. POOL REUTERS/Russell Boyce
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