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July 2001

The majority of training flying during the month was to prepare Sqn pilots for a visit by the Standardisation Team (Trappers) from the OCU. This training involved several QFI and QWI checks, general handling sorties in lightweight fit GR7s, as well as some low and medium level tactical training missions. As well as the flying preparations for the visit, 2 days were dedicated to ground training. This training involved briefs on ac systems and operating procedures.

The trappers visit lasted 4 days during which most of the Sqn pilots flew assessed missions. The sorties involved either a QFI check in a T10, or a tactical sortie in a GR7 with standardisation staff as formation wingmen.

During the Royal International Air Tattoo, which was held at RAF Cottesmore, Flt Lt Sharp participated in a Harrier Force flypast and formation hovering display alongside 1(F) and 3(F) Sqn ac. The formation was accompanied by a Spitfire in a ?missing man? tribute to Johnnie Johnson, a wartime ace and former CO RAF Cottesmore. In addition, Sqn Ldr Pinner flew Mrs Polly Vacher in a T10 ac during the show. Mrs Vacher had recently returned from a round the world flight, during which she raised over ?160,000 for the Flying for the Disabled Charity.

Polly Vacher in formation

Flt Lt Voigt performed role demonstrations at the Wirral Town Show, East Fortune Airshow and the Lugano International Airshow, Switzerland.

The outgoing AOC 3 Gp, RAdm Henderson, visited the Stn 11 Jul. He greeted several members of the Sqn over lunch at the Officers? Mess and he viewed, through a rain shower, Flt Lt Voigt performing one of his role demonstration practices.

Whilst there were no major Sqn social occasions during the month, two Sqn beer calls were held in the Hover Inn and several Sqn Officers attended a Station Dining-In night in the Officers Mess which bade farewell to Gp Capt Walker the outgoing Station Commander.

Eleven Sqn personnel participated in the annual Nijmegen Marches in Holland. The team put on an excellent performance, with all individuals completing the four days of marching and finishing as the 2nd RAF team. In addition, a large sum was raised for Charitable causes, to be distributed between the Rainbows Children?s Hospice, which the Sqn regularly supports, and the Imperial Cancer Research Fund.