Dave Walker – Falklands 1983
Received the sad news yesterday of the death of Dave Walker (WAK). Dave achieved fame as a first tourist on the Harrier GR3/T4 at RAF Gütersloh and later went on to become an Air Marshal.
Dave Walker – Falklands 1983 Received the sad news yesterday of the death of Dave Walker (WAK). Dave achieved fame as a first tourist on the Harrier GR3/T4 at RAF Gütersloh and later went on to become an Air Marshal. […]
Very sad to hear that Glenn passed away at the beginning of November after a long battle with cancer. Commiserations to Carol and the family. Apologies for the lateness of this news – I am currently in Cape Verde with extremely poor internet access. […]
From the Daily Telegraph 9 May 2022: David Ashley, who has died aged 49 as the result of a flying accident, flew Harrier aircraft on operations over Iraq and Afghanistan before becoming a flying instructor on contract with British Aerospace. On March 16, Ashley and his Italian co-pilot were carrying out a post-production test […]
From Geoff Quick: I’m very sad to report that Chris Abbott passed away on 14th November, following a long fight with cancer. I first met Chris when he was a Fg Off at Wildenrath in 1976 where his immensely cheerful character shone brightly, ably supported by Sue. Chris had already had active service experience, […] Late news, I’m afraid, (I’ve been out of internet coverage for a while), but Tony Chaplin passed away on the 18th of April. Kate has let us know that Tony’s funeral will be at Lincoln Crematorium at 12.30 on 15th May, followed by a gathering at Welbourn Village Hall. For those wishing to correspond with […] Hugh in front cockpit with F/O Pratt in rear cockpit airborne in a Bristol Fighter while looking for a landing ground near Elstead (Near Farnham) 25 April 1922. Chris “Hoppy” GW has sent me some details of his father’s career on 4 Sqn in the 1920’s. I’ve created a page in the History […] From John Bevan (OC PI Flt 1981 to 84) Hi Chris, Just re-entered my details after reading about Pete Collins. How very sad! I flew with him in the T bird as a jolly on the final sorties of the day after setting the targets out in the sticks during a local exercise using the […] Bristol Post Report From Al Pollock: Many will already have heard from other sources of our sad loss of Bugs Bendell. Bugs Bendell Because of the rather special sortie link I had with Bugs in 1958 I am sending this out with a rapid career summary at the attachment, mainly cobbled from his book. Wg Cdr […] Chas Mudie Chas Mudie, whom many of us remember as the USAF exchange pilot on the Sqn from 1979 to 1980, passed away in July. His second wife, Beth, writes: Dear Friends, I thought you would like to read the full obituary which was published in the Fallbrook, California local newspaper. Chas was […]I just heard the sad news that Pete Collins died in August. Pete served on 3 Sqn and IV Sqn at Gutersloh on the Harrier GR3 in the 80’s and had many friends on IV. Condolences to Gudrun and the family. These are the details for COL’s funeral: Gudrun asks that people who are planning […]Alan Pollock got in contact to pass on details for this Wednesday’s Service for Air Vice-Marshal Peter John (‘Sam’) GODDARD CBE AFC. Sam died at home in Felixstowe on Thursday 11th February aged 72. Dearly loved husband of Val, father of Martin and David, father-in-law of Sally and dear Poppop of William, Harry and Lucy, […] Sad news – Pat King passed away on Monday. Pat King His funeral will be on Tuesday 17 November at 14.30 at Marholm Crematorium, Peterborough and afterwards at the Haycock, Wansford. Pat had a long and distinguished career: After leaving IV Sqn in 1972, he was CO 233 (Harrier) OCU 72-74. USAF Exchange […] Syd dropped me a line to tell me that Sally Morris died last Saturday (27 June). She had been ill for some time but the end, when it came, was quite sudden. The funeral will be at Pewsey Parish Church at 1300 on Friday 10 July, followed by a cremation and a wake at the […] Received the sad news from the HFA that Ron Pattinson died last week. Ron served on IV Sqn from 1976 to 1979 as a pilot, QFI, IRE and Deputy Flight Commander at Wildenrath and Gutersloh when the Sqn was equipped with the Harrier GR1/T2/GR3 and T4. When he left the Sqn he served a short […] |
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