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Tony Boyle’s Funeral

Late notice, I know, but I’ve only just heard myself.

Tony Boyle (a pilot on IV(AC) between 1950 and 1959) passed away suddenly last Tuesday. His funeral is tomorrow, Wednesday 28 May, at 12 noon, at:

St Mary Magdalene Church, East Castle Street, Bridgnorth, WV16 4AQ (I have a map if anyone needs a copy)


Colin Medhurst R.I.P.

I’ve just received the sad news that Colin Medhurst died just before Christmas last year. Colin was a fitter on the Squadron from 1965 to 1968 when the Squadron operated the Hunter FR10 at Gutersloh. After leaving the RAF Colin joined Cossor Electronics (later Raytheon) before finally retiring in 1997. Our condolences to his family.

Bill Langworthy R.I.P.

Bill Langworthy, IV(AC) Sqn in the Hunter days, passed away on 1 January 2006. His son, Howard, has written a tribute to him which I’ve posted in the Members section of the Forums.